Your call for assistance in a dental emergency is treated with urgency at our practice. We will endeavour to give priority to any requests for urgent dental care.
Emergency appointments are available for existing and new patients.
Prompt appointments are available for dental emergencies
If you have a dental emergency, it is important that you are able to receive treatment as soon as possible, especially if you are experiencing severe pain or swelling. We’re here to help you feel better and be on the road to recovery as soon as possible.
To make an appointment, please call on (03) 5298 1020.
What Is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is any condition that requires urgent care and may include the following:
- Toothache
- Pain
- Swelling
- Broken teeth or fillings
- Loose filling or crowns
- Discomfort that makes chewing difficult
- Discomfort that makes sleeping difficult
- A traumatic dental injury
- Or similar concerns which require urgent attention.
Prompt Appointments Are Available for Dental Emergencies
If you have a dental emergency, it is important that you are able to receive treatment as soon as possible, especially if you are experiencing severe pain or swelling. We’re here to help you feel better and be on the road to recovery as soon as possible.
To make an appointment, please call on (03) 5298 1020.
How to Manage the Most Common Dental Emergencies
The following information is general in nature and is offered as general advice only.
For personalised assistance in a dental emergency, please feel free to call us or your dentist to make an appointment.
Apply Dental First Aid to Teeth Injured in an Accident
If a tooth has been damaged in an accident, it’s helpful to know how to render dental first aid before you arrive at the emergency dentist. We have available some articles that identify the most common types of dental trauma and how to provide dental first aid for traumatic dental injuries.
We’ve also produced some handy guides to download and keep in your first aid kit.
A knocked-out tooth (which sometimes happens in contact sports) is always considered to be a dental emergency. Please contact your dentist as soon as possible.
(To prevent sports-based dental injuries, don’t forget to wear a properly fitted sports mouthguard whenever you train or play contact sport. Simple precautions like this reduce the likelihood of permanent damage occurring to teeth).
Keep Your Teeth Clean
Bacteria thrive when tooth cleaning stops, and their presence can exacerbate tooth pain. It’s always important to keep your mouth as clean as possible.
The presence of a broken tooth or severe toothache may make it more challenging to brush and floss. Go gently and call your dentist for assistance as soon as you can.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Emergencies
Are Same-Day Appointments Available for a Dental Emergency?
If you need immediate attention because of toothache, other dental pain, facial swelling, or other dental problem, our receptionists will be pleased to schedule an emergency appointment with Dr Teo as soon as possible.
Will You Provide Emergency Dental Services to a New Patient?
Certainly. Whether you are new to the practice or an existing patient, you are always welcome at Lovely Dental Care.
Where Are You Located?
You’ll find us at 161-163 Bellerine Street, Geelong. You’ll find the best parking on Bellerine Street or McKillop Street.
Dental Emergencies During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Throughout the pandemic, we have been open to assist residents of Geelong and the surrounding regions with urgent and emergency dental care.
If your regular dental practice is unavailable due to a COVID-19-related closure during any lockdown, we will gladly take care of your urgent dental needs. When your regular dentist reopens, we can share with them the details of any treatment we provide (with your approval).
Learn more about the measures we take to keep our patients, our community, and our team safe during the pandemic.
If You Need an Emergency Dentist, We Welcome You
Your call for emergency dental care is welcome and attended to with priority.
Please feel free to contact us at (03) 5298 1020 if we may be of assistance to you.